Sunday 3 May 2015

Studying User Experience Design

As part of my career change (I've learnt the trendy new phrase is 'pivoting') I've decided to take the plunge and enrol on a course.

It's a very tough decision, as there's so much information out there already on the tinterwebs, you kind of get the feeling you could learn all there is to know online.

But there's limitless information and then there's curated knowledge.

The other main thing is that to get hired - or even noticed - you need a kick-ass portfolio.  And studying the knowledge only works if you practice the craft (left side/right side of brain) to have something to show for it.

So I decided to do General Assembly's part time course (there is a full time, 10 week immersive course, but the cost and time commitment dissuaded me).

So far, so great.  It's taught by Matt Isherwood who's worked at the BBC and recently did One Fine Stay.

And after my first bit of homework doing some user research, I can already feel the huge benefit of doing a course that forces you to "get out of the classroom" (to adapt a Lean Startup phrase) and get practicing the theory in the real world.

So one week down, another 12 or so to go.

I'm pretty sure I've settled on my project idea for my portfolio piece, something I wrote about in the previous post, which is a shopping list app to save shoppers money, called Fate.

I'll be writing much more about the philosophy behind Fate as it ties in nicely with why I started my career change, sorry 'pivot', in the first place.

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